Merchants : it is easier to pick up a spoon of salt than to collect salt grains from the ground.

Buyers : combine your wants with others.

B U Y O will gather needs for suppliers to make offers.

Save marketing for Suppliers – Reduced prices for Consumers

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For 1,000+ years consumers have sought out suppliers

the online world continued

BUYO lets suppliers come to consumers – in bulk.

Consumers list their needs and wants and these are aggregated.

Suppliers bid to meet the need.

365.25 x 20 = 7,305

This is the estimated time it will take for Consumers to change to a supply request based commerce platform.

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make (someone or something) different;

alter or modify.
replace (something) with something else, especially something of the same kind that is newer or better; substitute one thing for (another).

online tax

merchants outlay seo/social media costs which translate into additional costs added to products sold.

buyo offers merchants a leveraged choice


the new word for requesting a supplier to meet a need

add your buyo to the wants book and buyo will

update suppliers.

Savings will be split between consumers, buyo and merchants